Terms and conditions

For all competitions, events, use of website and digital interactions

As of 1 January 2016, by registering for any FootballFix competition or event, you are agreeing with and accepting the terms and conditions outlined here.

Using this website
By continuing to use this website, you agree with and accept all terms, conditions, and disclaimers outlined on this page.

Website cookies
By continuing to use this website, you agree to the use of cookies to enhance your user experience. We may or may not have cookies active during your visit.

Form submissions
By submitting any form on this website you are acknowledging, agreeing with, and understand the terms, conditions, and disclaimers outlined on this page.

Automatic opt-ins
By submitting any form on this website you are acknowledging and agreeing to your details being added to our marketing communications and operational communications databases. We never share your information with any third-parties. We only use this information for FootballFix marketing and operational purposes only.

Opting out
You have the right to opt-out of our databases at any time by contacting us. We will honour any opt-out requests within 7 working days of receiving your email.

Your privacy and personal identifiable information (PII)
On this website (footballfix.co.nz), we do not store any visitor or user PII other than anonymous tracking for website usage analytics. PII may be stored in our team database (“Spawtz”) when you register for a competition. This is completely separate to our marketing channels. No data is stored outside of our own FootballFix platforms.

Upon registering or applying to register for any FootballFix competition or event, you are agreeing with and accepting the terms and conditions outlined on this page.

Competition and registration offers

Henderson Ranui
Exclusive offer for this venue/competition only
Expires 13 April 2024 at 11.59pm

  1. All new team entries may use the provided discount code for a reduced entry fee of $595, for this season only (regular price $795).
  2. Current registered club members of Ranui Swanson FC may also receive a one-time $100 bar tab for their team when they register their team for this competition (team entries only, must be validated as current members of the named club).
  3. Team entries who use the provided discount code may also be in to win a one-time $200 bar tab. This bar tab will be randomly awarded to one registered team once the competition commences. This bar tab may not be awarded to any team that has already received a bar tab under this offer.
  4. Teams may only be eligible for maximum one bar tab under this offer (i.e. a team that received the $100 club-affiliation bar tab may not also receive the other $200 bar tab, and vice versa).
  5. All bar tabs will be arranged with team organisers once the competition has commenced, and must be used before the completion of the same season for that competition.

As with all registration and competition offers, FootballFix reserves all rights to award, deny, or modify it’s offers at any time.

NitroNetball collaboration
Exclusive offer for this venue/competition only
Expires 13 April 2024 at 11.59pm

  1. All players currently registered with FootballFix who enter a team into a NitroNetball competition at Auckland Girls Grammar before the expiry of this offer will be eligible for a $200 food/drink bar tab per team entry.
  2. Maximum one bar tab per team.
  3. Bar tabs will be arranged after the competition commences and must be used before the completion of the same season for that competition.

As with all registration and competition offers, FootballFix reserves all rights to award, deny, or modify it’s offers at any time.